100s of Referrals through Client Servicing

Written By PracticeGuru dated: 22th Feb, 2021, 2 Min Read

So today we will see why client servicing is important even in CA Practice. CA Practice should have well defined, documented strategies to grow in size and revenue. Normally CAs are always busy in execution but they should spare time for strategy to grow.

There are different ways to grow and one of the powerful way is referral system. Current clients can refer you, only when you have robust client servicing system in place.

Why Client Servicing is important?

Your current clientele is your biggest referral system. Whether they will refer you to new clients will depend upon how you serve them.

Also whether they will continue with you for longer time will depend upon how good service you provide to them. These points make client servicing very important for any professional.

A Professional like CA cannot do marketing as per their Institute Rules, so it becomes essential to get referrals from current clients.

What is Client Servicing?

Client Servicing is to cater to the client’s needs and expectations in the best possible manner. It is extremely important to create a good working rapport with each and every client who avails your services.

What are indications of good client servicing?

A) Level of client servicing can be known from client retention rate and client loyalty. A satisfied client will want to continue with you for long time.

B) It can also be measured by whether they want to refer you – more they refer you, more the indication that they are satisfied with your services. They take pride in referring you to others.

Find out where you stand on these 2 parameters right now. If you measure poor on these criterias, it is time to work on it. We will discuss how you can do it.

How to provide a better service to clients?

1. Understand why they came to you, what they were looking for.

2. Different clients may have different needs – In terms of how they want to be updated, by which medium like some prefer emails and some prefer whatsapp. Some may prefer a call on periodic basis.

3. Your attitute matters the most. You are in business for clients and because of clients. If clients are not satisfied you won't be in business for long. You should accept that Client is the King.

4. Listen to clients, call them, meet them frequently. Note down what they tell you.

5. Be transperant with your Clients in every department.

6. Be courteous with your clients.

7. Handle all issues quickly and before they become compliants.

8. Make clients feel wanted and welcome. Treat them with love and respect.

What can be the issues in client servicing?

1. No updates – Clients like a good updates system which is regular, easy to follow, easy to understand and standard. They will not like system which is different every time. For eg sometime you will send them an email, sometime a whatsapp, it will not work. It has to be same everytime.

2. No education / awareness – Clients hate when they don’t get updates on new happenings in area in which you are serving them. It is more important in areas of finance and taxes.

3. Unplanned excess billing – Clients hate to see unplanned excess billing. You need to take their approval for excess billing beforehand.

4. No proper paper work – Client don’t like to search for paperwork or to ask from you everytime. They will love if they get all papers at a central place.

When To ask for referral from a satisfied client?

When client gives you a compliment is the best time for ask for referrals. Many people wait till the date of billing but understand that once a work goes in billing stage, that is a time, when clients accountant takes over and client stops his involvement in coordination. So right time is when client himself is in contact with you and he is appreciating your work.

We hope you will follow these ideas and grow your business.

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